Page 9 - Progress Report
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has extensively engaged key stakeholders in the    COTAP proposes to deploy three main strategies
            process and carefully deliberated on their views and   to achieve these objectives—
            aspirations.  Reference has also been made to best   ►  catalysing a paradigm shift in the school sector;

            practices outside Hong Kong through sharing, visits
                                                               ►  promoting use of evidence and data at system,
            and literature reviews.
                                                                   school and individual levels; and
                                                               ►  building a learning community and facilitating
            COTAP’s  vision is to firmly root in Hong Kong
            “A Learning Profession of Vibrancy, A Teaching
            Profession of Excellence”.                         Three main targets, with specific details set under
                                                               each, have been identified—
            Our  mission is “To foster a vibrant teaching      ►  Strengthened school leadership and reflective

            profession of excellence for the benefit of student    culture
            learning and growth through formulating strategies
                                                                   •  Schools   are   accountable,   reflective
            to  enhance  teacher  preparation,  promote  and
                                                                      and    dynamic    professional  learning
            support continuing professional development
            (CPD), and strengthen school leadership”.
                                                                   •   School leadership is enhanced to take
                                                                      forward school development; and
            The  objectives are, thus, “To nurture a quality
            teaching profession comprising teachers and school     •   Reflective practice, self-improvement and

            leaders who, in pursuit of continuous improvement         effective CPD planning  are realised at
            and excellence, are focused on student learning           individual and organisational levels.
            and growth, adroit in reflective and evidence-based   ►  Enhanced teacher quality
            practice,  and  supportive  of  school  accountability
                                                                   •   Teachers are equipped with the necessary
            and effectiveness”.
                                                                      attributes and capabilities that meet the
                                                                      expectations of schools and society;

                                                                   •   High importance is attached to practice in
                                                                      practice; and

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