Page 10 - Professional Standards for Principals of Hong Kong
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               Competent                                                                                                        Distinguished

                                                                 Principals establish a shared vision on learning   Principals
                Principals  uphold  the  right,  responsibility  and   and  teaching  among  teachers  and  students.   partnership  with  stakeholders  to  actualise  the
                capability  of  all  to  learn.  They  have  a   They have confidence in students’ learning and   school’s shared vision on learning and teaching.
                comprehensive  understanding  of  the  school    give  them  the  best  learning  opportunities   Together  they  take  complementary  roles  to
                curriculum and are reflective of existing school   through a broad and balanced curriculum.      boost  students’  confidence  and  capacity  in
                culture and practices which have an impact on    Principals foster an open culture of trust, enquiry   learning.
                 student  learning.  They  work  with  teachers  to   and reflection. While teachers are encouraged to   Principals  sustain  an  ethos  of  learning  which
                 develop  goals  and  ethos  favourable  to  the   be  autonomous  professionals,  a  collaborative   inspires  stakeholders  to  engage  in  different
                 pursuit of quality in learning and teaching.    culture is also emphasised.                     forms of enrichment. They shape a unique and
                 Principals  understand  the  role  of  schools  as   Principals  ensure  focused  and  sustainable   motivating school culture of learning.
                 learning  communities.  They  themselves  are   capacity  building  of  teachers  for  improving   As  scholar-practitioners,  principals  manage
                 active  learners  continuously  equipped  with   students’  learning  outcomes.    They  motivate   organizational knowledge effectively to build up
                 updated  professional  knowledge  in  order  to   teachers  intellectually  and  construct  work   intellectual capital of the school.  They engage
                 empower  teachers  in  their  endeavours  to  play   settings   which   are   conducive   to   the  stakeholders  in  professional  exchanges  and
                 the role as co-constructors of knowledge.       enhancement  of  their  professionalism.    As   diversified  learning  opportunities,  nurturing  an
                 Principals  exercise  instructional  leadership.   life-long  learners  themselves,  they  bring  in   intellectual  disposition  among  them.    Such
                 They provide essential conditions for enhancing   collaborative  and  purposeful  learning  in  the   co-construction of professional knowledge also
                 teachers’ professionalism, including competence   school community, building professional learning   extends  to  other  schools  and  the  community
                 in information and media literacy, technological,   communities  for  creation  of  knowledge.    To   when  principals  engage  in  the  sharing  of
                  pedagogical  and  content  knowledge,  and     achieve  professional  excellence,  they  nurture   knowledge and experience.
                  effective learning for students. They ensure that   leadership capability on curriculum development   Committed  to  their  passion  for  professional
                                                                 and  enhance  teachers’  self-efficacy,  building
                  organisational   structures,   school   policies,  collective instructional capacity and influence of   excellence,   principals   create
                  strategies  and  resources  are  all  anchored  in   the schools.                             environments in which learning flourishes. They
                  learning.                                      In  achieving  collegial  harmony,  principals  contribute  to  the  enhancement  of  teachers’
                  They recognise collegial harmony as a strategic                                               professionalism not only in school but also in the
                  element  in  school  development  and  build  an   generate  a  trusting  and  enabling  climate,   education sector. They earn the support of the
                  organisational climate that nourishes a sense of   encouraging  mutual  recognition  and  support   community  towards  the  teaching  profession,
                  togetherness  and  a  rapport  that  enables  the   among stakeholders.                       mobilising  and  nurturing  people  with  best
                  school to develop as a learning organisation.  Principals develop teachers to become proactive   potential for a career in education to contribute
                  Realising that education is now in the context of   agents  of  change.  They  empower  teachers   to  the  forging  of  a  top-notch  and  widely
                  a  fast  and  vigorous  changing  world,  principals   through  a  range  of  learning  opportunities  that   respected professional team for the community.
                  broaden teachers’ horizons to students’ multiple   enhance  teachers’  leadership  skills  and  As  people  developers,  principals  capitalise  on
                   pathways and boost their confidence to nurture   development of multiple talents so that student   the opportunities arising from diverse strengths
                   students of different potentials to be leaders in   diversity can be accommodated and developed.  and  thinking  while  emphasising  unity  of  the
                   various domains of school life.                                                             school. They pursue collegial harmony in which
                                                                                                               stakeholders accommodate differences and are
                                                                                                               willing to complement each other in the journey
                                                                                                               of  becoming  vibrant  learning  organisations
                                                                                                               which  are  able  to  nurture  learners  to  become
                                                                                                               leaders of tomorrow.

                                               Versatile Architects of Vibrant Learning Organisations
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