Page 8 - Professional Standards for Teachers of Hong Kong
P. 8

               Threshold                                                                                                        Distinguished

                Teachers believe in whole-person education which   Teachers  seek  to  promote  a  whole-person   Teachers participate in the design and monitoring
                                                                 education  curriculum.    As  role  models  of  moral
                aims  at  the  development  of  students’  moral,   virtues, positive values and attitudes , they make   of school policies and curriculum so that they are in
                 intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic potential.    conscientious effort to facilitate a balanced growth   line  with  the  underpinning  philosophy  of
                 They  support  and  practice  a  whole-person   of students through the curriculum and in their daily   whole-person  education.    They  contribute  to  the
                 education curriculum which attends to a balanced   interactions with students.  They enhance students’   cultivation of school ethos which manifests moral
                 growth of students in these areas.  They aspire to   capacity for self-management, self-regulation and   virtues, positive values and attitudes .  They see it
                 be role models of moral virtues, positive values and   lifelong learning, equipping them to face challenges   as  their  mission  and  responsibility  to  nurture
                 attitudes7 expected of students.  As global citizens,   that  may  emerge  at  different  stages  of  their   students  to  become  informed  and  responsible
                 they enhance their knowledge of current issues in   personal  and  social  development.    They  provide   Teachers
                                                                                                                 members of the global society.
                 the local, national and global scene and relate their   learning  experiences  to  broaden  students’     promote   students’   growth   and
                 teaching and guidance to these issues.          understanding of the changing world.            development  through  collaborating  with  families,
                 Teachers  see  actualising  students’  potential  as  a   Teachers  coach  their  students  along  their  life   support  within  and  beyond  school  settings  to
                                                                                                                 communities, and other professionals.  They enlist
                 goal  of  whole-person  education.  They  help   journeys.  They foster students’ self-understanding,   devise  strategic  plans  which  enable  students  to
                  students understand themselves and have a basic   goal  setting  and  reflective  thinking  at  different   make  informed  choices  with  regard  to  life
                  grasp of their potential at different stages of growth.    stages of growth through teaching and guidance.    aspirations,  empowering  them  to  unfold  their
                  They  trust,  encourage  and  support  students  in   They identify students’ potential and provide them   potential.    They  participate  actively  in  the
                  taking  up  challenges  in  life.   Being  aware  of   with learning opportunities to realize their strengths   formulation  of  school  policy  for  career  and  life
                  life-planning8 as an ongoing process for personal   and explore multiple pathways for the future.  planning  and  play  a  prominent  role  in  the
                                                                 Through  sharing  their  passion  for  learning,
                  fulfilment,  they  explore  study  and  career   teachers cultivate a positive ethos and establish an   implementation .
                  opportunities for students and take up their role in   environment  conducive  to  learning.    They  also   Teachers contribute significantly to the making of a
                  implementing  the  school  policy  for  life-planning   guide students in building congenial relationships   stimulating and inviting school environment which
                  education.                                     with  their  peers,  teachers,  parents  and  the   offers learning experiences for students of different
                  Teachers are aware of the importance of a positive   community through learning activities and personal   abilities,  interests  and  aptitudes  to  develop  an
                  learning  environment.    They  ensure  that  it  is   examples.                              intrinsic  quest  for  learning,  as  well  as  emotional
                  physically  safe  and  well-managed,  maintaining  a   Teachers apply their knowledge and understanding   development.
                                                                                                                and  social  competence,  achieving  all-round
                   disciplined  and  harmonious  environment  which   of  socio-cultural  differences  in  their  daily
                   facilitates mutual support for learning and growth.    interactions with students.  They create an inclusive   Teachers  play  a  part  in  the  creation  of  a  school
                   Adopting a positive attitude towards socio-cultural   learning environment in which students of different   educational needs and socio-cultural backgrounds
                                                                                                               climate  which  enables  students  with  different
                   differences  and  their  students’  diverse  needs,   backgrounds  and  educational  needs  feel  valued   to advance each other’s potential and build on the
                   teachers  seek  to  equip  themselves  with  relevant   and  value  each  other.    They  advance  students’   strengths of their differences.  In collaboration with
                   knowledge  and  skills.   They  educate  students  to   potential  in  every  aspect  of  life  and  encourages   colleagues,   they   work   on   the
                   respect each other’s differences and culture.  them  to  complement  each  other  on  the  path  of   implementation  and  evaluation  of  school  policies
                                                                 learning and growth.                          and  practices  to  ensure  all  students  are  treated
                                                                                                               with  equity  and  can  learn  and  grow  from  the
                                                                                                               enriched  experience  that  a  pluralistic  culture  can

                                                                   Caring Cultivators of All-round Growth
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