Overseas Visit to Melbourne, Australia
An overseas visit to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), Melbourne by the delegation representing the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP) was arranged on 26-29 May 2014 to capitalize on the experience of Victoria in promoting the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and to establish networks for future collaboration with relevant parties.
During the visit, meetings were arranged for professional exchanges with the DEECD, which was the host organisation, and seven other organisations, including Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Victorian Association of Secondary School Principals, Victorian Principals' Association and Catholic Education Commission, Victoria. To better understand the implementation of state-wide policies on professional development of teachers and school leaders in local school context, four schools were visited, including Silverton Primary School, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Eltham High School and Caroline Chisholm Catholic College.

Please refer to the following Report for more information.