Visit to the Ministry of Education, Singapore
An overseas visit to the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, by the delegation comprising representatives of the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP) and awardees of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) was arranged on 27-30 April 2015 to capitalise on the experience of Singapore in promoting professional development of teachers and school leaders, and to establish networks for future collaboration with relevant parties. The experience gained has provided valuable insights on the three main domains of COTAP's work, i.e. initial teacher education, teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) and school leadership.
During the visit, meetings were arranged for professional exchanges with MOE, which was the host organisation, and four other organisations, including the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (NIE) and Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST). To better understand the implementation of national policies on professional development of teachers and school leaders in the local school context, two schools were visited, including the Wellington Primary School and Jurong Secondary School.

Please refer to the following Report for more information.